Športno društvo Beachvolley, Jadranska cesta 47, 6280 Ankaran (v nadaljevanju “organizator”), organizira kamp odbojke na mivki za aktivne in rekreativne igralce od 10. leta naprej. Več podrobnosti najdete na spletni strani www.beachcamp.si.



Prijave so mogoče preko spletnega obrazca, ki ga najdete na spletni strani www.beachcamp.si. Število mest je omejeno, prijave pa so odprte do zapolnitve mest. Cena udeležbe vključuje vse, kar je našteto v programu in objavljeno na spletni strani www.beachcamp.si. Po izpolnjenem spletnem obrazcu boste na vneseni e-mail prejeli vse nadaljnje informacije. Vsaj en teden pred izbranim terminom boste prejeli podrobna navodila in urnik. Sporočilo je avtomatsko, zato vas prosimo, da nas obvestite, če ga ne prejmete.



Prijavo potrdite s plačilom avansa na naš TRR račun. Šele s plačilom avansa bo prijava potrjena in mesto na kampu zagotovljeno. Morebitno odjavo je potrebno sporočiti vsaj 10 dni pred začetkom kampa, in sicer pisno preko e-pošte na naslov info@beachcamp.si. V primeru pozne odpovedi (kasneje kot 10 dni pred začetkom kampa) bo organizator zaračunal administrativne stroške odpovedi v višini 50 €. Avans se vrne le v primeru, da se udeleženec zaradi poškodbe ali bolezni (z zdravniškim potrdilom) aktivnosti ne more udeležiti. Avans se vrne tudi v primeru, da aktivnost odpovemo mi (npr. zaradi premalo prijav).

Starši po plačilu podpišejo izjavo o udeležbi v programu ter dovoljenje za fotografiranje, video in avdio snemanje, dovoljenje za udeležbo na vseh športnih aktivnostih ter za prevoz z vozilom organizatorja. V kolikor se udeleženec zaradi zdravstvenih ali drugih razlogov ne sme ali ne more udeležiti katere izmed dejavnosti, morajo starši o tem obvestiti organizatorja (najkasneje ob podpisu izjave o udeležbi). Starši morajo ob prijavi obvestiti organizatorja tudi o morebitni dietni prehrani, o vseh morebitnih alergijah in ostalih bolezenskih oziroma zdravstvenih stanjih otrok.



Udeleženec kampa mora imeti urejeno zdravstveno zavarovanje.

Organizator ne odgovarja za osebne predmete udeležencev kampa.

Starši oziroma skrbniki pripeljejo otroke na lokacijo kampa in jih ob zaključku na isti lokaciji tudi prevzamejo.



Športno društvo Beachvolley bo osebne podatke uporabljalo za namene lastne evidence. Podatki se bodo varovali v skladu z zakonom o varstvu osebnih podatkov.


The Športno društvo BEACHVOLLEY – Associazione sportiva BEACHVOLLEY, Jadranska cesta 47, 6280 Ankaran (hereinafter referred to as the “organizer”), organizes a beach volleyball camp for active and recreational players aged 10 and above. More details can be found on the website www.beachcamp.si.



Registrations can be made via the online form available on the website www.beachcamp.si. The number of places is limited, and registrations are open until all places are filled. The participation fee includes everything listed in the program and published on the website www.beachcamp.si. After completing the online form, you will receive all further information at the email address you provided. At least one week before the selected date, you will receive detailed instructions and a schedule. The message is automated, so please inform us if you do not receive it.



Confirm your registration by paying the advance fee to our bank account. Only upon payment of the advance fee will the registration be confirmed and a place at the camp guaranteed. Any cancellations must be communicated at least 10 days before the start of the camp, in writing via email to info@beachcamp.si. In the event of a late cancellation (later than 10 days before the start of the camp), the organizer will charge an administrative cancellation fee of €50. The advance fee will only be refunded if the participant is unable to attend due to injury or illness (with a medical certificate). The advance fee will also be refunded if we cancel the activity (e.g., due to insufficient registrations).

Parents must sign a participation statement after payment, granting permission for photography, video, and audio recording, as well as for participation in all sports activities and transportation by the organizer’s vehicle. If the participant is unable or not allowed to participate in any activities due to health or other reasons, parents must inform the organizer (at the latest when signing the participation statement). Parents must also inform the organizer of any dietary requirements, allergies, and other medical or health conditions of the children at the time of registration.



Participants must have valid health insurance.

The organizer is not responsible for the personal belongings of camp participants.

Parents or guardians are responsible for bringing their children to the camp location and picking them up at the same location at the end of the camp.



The Športno društvo BEACHVOLLEY – Associazione sportiva BEACHVOLLEY will use personal data for its own records. The data will be protected in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act.